As Catholics, we base our life on the teachings of Jesus. And, that is a lifelong learning experience. The place where we learn best about Jesus and what he teaches is at Sunday Mass. Every Sunday is part of an annual cycle, during which the full story and meaning of Jesus is revealed to us. The “Order of Christian Initiation for Adults” (OCIA formerly known as RCIA) is designed for adults who freely seek the living God and enter the way of faith and conversion as the Holy Spirit opens their heart. This spiritual journey for adults varies according to the many forms of God’s grace, the free cooperation of the individuals, the action of the church, and the circumstances of time and place.
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (adapted for children) is designed for children who were not baptized as infants and are age seven to seventeen years of age. Families have the opportunity to grow in faith along with their children. Parents and Godparents will participate in the full inquiry and catechumenate process right along with the children.
The catechumenate process is an extended period of time aimed at training in the Christian life. There is no fixed duration or structure. We don’t think of completing OCIA / RCIA as the goal. The goal is to live as a Catholic. And there are ways you can start living as a Catholic today. To learn everything there is to learn about living as a Catholic takes a lifetime. We are all still learning ourselves. For a beginner, however, there are a series of steps, and we are happy to go over those with you. Give us a call at your convenience and we can set up a time to meet. Catherine Collins (505)470-1385 and Debbie Maestas (575)770-2449.